Time to Prepare for Oshkosh!
I finally am back from Sun N Fun and now it’s time to look forward to the Oshkosh airshow. I had so much fun on this last trip and thought I’d show some pictures. First up, here Pop’s and I are on the Daytona Beach board walk. It was great weather and lots of friendly people!

Jimmy is the lead pilot of the Aeroshell team. We had a blast doing some flying. Thanks so much Jimmy!

Here I am in the cockpit of Jimmy’s airplane:

And of course what would a trip to an airshow be without being able to climb up in to the cockpit of an A-10?

Lastly, you know when you’re just too tired to make it all the way home? After a long airshow, this is how I felt so I diverted to New Orleans and 20 minutes later I was on Bourbon Street taking in the sights!

The next morning I was up early and headed home! Talk with you all soon! ~Kay
Kay Hall
Pilot, travel influencer, and friend to many! I fly my airplane around the country documenting my trips, meeting people, and having a blast!