Sun N Fun – I’m on the way!
Sun N Fun is finally here. I had such a blast last year and this year is going to be even better. I’m going to be taking a couple of rides in some show airplanes, meeting fans, talking to vendors and watching the show! Of course I’ll be streaming a lot of it LIVE! You can sign up for my LIVE broadcasts on Tiktok by clicking on the event button:
The show starts on Tuesday and runs through Saturday. I believe I’ll be doing a meet and greet, so stay tuned for mor information on how to check that out. Thanks for all the support and we’ll see you there! ~Kay
TopGun : Maverick & FlyWithKay
FlyWithKay was asked to help promote the new TopGun : Maverick movie due to her love of flying. What an exciting project that Kay is proud to be a part of. Check out her video on Tiktok and don’t forget to see the movie in theaters on May 27th! WooHoo!
Kay Watching the New TopGun : Maverick Trailer FlyWithKay Partners With the Sun N Fun Aerospace Expo!
FlyWithKay is excited to be partnering with the Aerospace Center for Excellence (ACE) to bring awareness to her social media audience about aviation and the SUN ‘n FUN Aerospace Expo.
Come and join Kay in Lakeland Florida at the SUN ‘n FUN Aerospace Expo to experience firsthand the thrill of aeronautics, technology, and all of the great people involved in putting an event like this together.
Kay will be LIVE streaming the event all week long on her Tiktok account. She will be capturing the action in the sky and on the ground. She will be walking the show, talking to vendors, pilots and fans! You can register to watch by going to her page and clicking on the EVENT link right under her bio:
Register for the LIVE SNF Broadcast You can learn more about the Sun N Fun Aerospace Expo by clicking here: Sun N Fun Aerospace Expo
Don’t forget to check out the FlyWithKay page by scrolling down and finding Kay:
We hope to see you there!
FlyWithKay Partners with Phoenix East Aviation (PEA)
Exciting news! I partnered with PEA, a premier flight school in the United States, to help give guidance on the process of becoming a pilot. PEA offers flight training to both US and international students. Their experience working with students worldwide makes them the perfect fit with FlyWithKay to answer your questions and help walk you through the process of starting your dream career in aviation.
I get asked all the time about what it takes to become a pilot, how do I get started, how much does it cost, and where should I go. BUT, do to the sheer number of emails and messages I receive, I’m unable to answer all of these questions no less respond to all the email messages. Now, you can talk with experts on the subject!
PEA can offer you information on:
- What are the requirements to become a pilot
- How do I get started
- How much does it cost
- Can I finance it
- And much more
They can also help you apply for financing, give you guidance the job market, and help set your expectations on a career in aviation.
So check them out and request more info but don’t forget to tell them Kay sent you! And you never know, you might even get to meet me at one of their campuses!
Happy Holidays – 2021 Recap
What a crazy year!
I started 2020 with a brand new Tiktok account and an Instagram account that had 1900 people. I couldn’t actually get the FlyWithKay name on Instagram, so it was spelled differently. After some negotiation, I was able to buy the FlyWithKay name on Instagram but lost most of my followers switching over. It’s always hard to make changes like that.
I should hit 5000 followers on Instagram today (12/21/2021) which is a big milestone on that platform. If you can give me a follow you might be the one that does it!
Since I was flying regularly it was very easy to post a lot of videos. Once I hit my first 10k on Tiktok, I really doubled down on working toward making it a success. There were times I wanted to give up but I kept on plugging away at it.
There were some big milestones over the year. Lets take a look at some:
My first big LIVE broadcast was from the Sun N Fun airshow. I got all the way up to 500 people watching the show with me. At the time that was a big number and I was super excited. My LIVE broadcasts are well in to the thousands now and I average over 20k per hour but back then, WOW! Two days ago I broke my own record and had over 50,000 people watch my Live in just 42 minutes! How cool is that?
In the middle of the year I hit 750 hours of flight time. Again, 1500 is the number you need to work for a major airline. I had a celebration and now, as of this writing, I’m at the big 1000 hours! Only 500 left to go!
After a long trip in Lil Red to Port Angeles, Washington, I got my first publication in a newspaper. Front page of the Sunday edition. So exciting. You can see that here:
FlywithKay lands in Port Angeles
At the OshKosh airshow I hit 100k followers! Not long after that I got my first sponsorship deal with, “thecoldestwater,” company. Things felt like they were really taking off.
Things were really moving quickly but there would be bumps in the road. It took me 7 months to get to 100k followers, and 2 more months to get the second 100k. Can that type of growth be sustained? The answer is complicated. Why?
Because all of social media tanked in October. Does anyone remember that Instagram and Facebook were having problems? Tiktok wasn’t really mentioned but that day my Lives and videos went to almost nothing. While I was averaging 1500 people watching my LIVE broadcasts every day, it went down to about 15 people. I couldn’t get near 100. My videos we’re all hitting over 100k views within a day or two, and then I couldn’t get 1000 views. Lots of people we’re complaining about Tiktok and heading back to Instagram.
It took over a month before the numbers started to return to normal. I have a theory that Tiktok migrated all it’s users to a new backend system which took time. It makes sense to me because they would start with top accounts and work their way down. Right after my numbers dropped significantly, I noticed that the only people showing up on the ForYou page were celebrities. Well-known people with very big accounts. Almost no smaller creators were coming up anymore. Slowly, this worked back to normal and like a light switch being turned on, my numbers came back at about three weeks. Whew, what a tough month!
Having said all this, I’m optimistic about the future as I have a lot of companies and people reaching out to me. Airways Magazine just published an article where I answered questions, I already have Sun N Fun and Oshkosh (airshows) lined up and probably the Reno air races. I’m going to hit my 1500 hours this year and be ready to get to work.
Thank you to everyone that has supported me along this journey and I hope you’ll follow me as I keep moving forward!
New York New York
Hi all,
I just got back from New York where I had an absolute blast!
I went to the Today Show twice and was in the audience outside. It was very cold but a lot of fun. You could easily see me and I’ll be posting up some of those videos/shots on my Youtube channel so be looking for those.
I also went to a couple other shows and explored times square, the 911 memorial, and checked out Wall Street. It was my first time in New York and the people there were super nice. I do have some of those videos up on my tiktok page also if you’re interested in taking a look:
Coming up I’m going to start planning my Bahama’s trip in Lil Red where I’ll be island hopping and talking with the locals. If you know of anyone down there please feel free to drop me a line at
I do have a couple of other big things in the works too that I can’t mention yet but as soon as that info is available I will pass it along.
Lastly, if you have any friends, family members, or anyone else that might be interested in my videos, please let them know about it.
Hope everyone is doing well and thanks for the support!
Kay Makes Front Page News
Kay was featured on the front page of the Peninsula Daily news while in Port Angeles Washington. You can check out the article here:
Lots Happening!
Hi everyone and thanks for following along. A lot has been happening lately including receiving my first sponsorship by The Coldest Water Company!
I’m really grateful to all of my followers/friends that watch my videos and live broadcasts. It really keeps me going seeing all the kind comments.
So quickly, to recap the last two months:
I flew Lil Red up to Washington state to visit relatives and while I was there the local newspaper did a front page story on my trip and journey. It was a lot of fun catching up with everyone. On the trip I stopped by Palm Springs to visit my grandfather and grandmother and on the way home went through Reno, Las Vegas, and Tucson. What a blast!
Since being home I’ve been working on a lot of videos and am preparing to go on a trip with friends to Cabo. Will miss my family and Lil Red but this is the first real trip I’ve taken in a long time. Keep your eyes open for a few videos and Live’s while I’m there!
Lastly, there are some exciting things coming up in the next two months. I don’t want to share too much in case they don’t happen but as of right now I will have some great video content headed your way.
Thanks again to everyone that supports me!