YouTube and Patreon Update
Hi everyone, I’ve been very busy over at YouTube getting my channel up and running. I’ve been posting a lot of content and playing around with YouTube shorts. Things are going well and I’m really excited about my progress. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out, what are you waiting for. Here’s my newest video:
Make sure you don’t forget to hit that subscribe button and notification bell on YouTube:
In other news, I have also launched my official Patreon page. Patreon allows my most dedicated fans to support me while getting exclusive perks such as direct chat, videos, pictures, early announcements and more. If you’re interested in helping keep me and Lil Red flying, head on over and join my exclusive community. And don’t forget to say hi to me after you sign up. Thanks ~Kay
The FlyWithKay Patreon Page Featured in Luxury Lifestyle Magazine!
It was such an honor sharing my story with Luxury Lifestyle Magazine out of the United Kingdom! Presenting a unique perspective of my content is always refreshing to see and getting the recognition for all of my hard work really helps keep me going.
The article talks about the global reach of my content and how it inspires people of all ages, regardless of where they are from. Luxury Lifestyle Magazine does a good job of focusing on how I take safety first to a new level with my content while still informing and educating those both interested in aviation and those that just love to see something new.
Everyday I receive feedback from people that never thought about aviation as a career and now are in school taking flight lessons. All because a couple of years ago I decided to pack a camera along with me and document my journey.
Getting to tell my story on a global stage, at first through social media, and now through traditional media, really humbles me in ways you can’t imagine! Everyday I’m excited to see what happens next and who will be interested in following along!
You can read the full story here:
Kay Hall featured in Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Thanks to all of my supporters that have made this possible over the course of the last year. I’m still getting interview requests regularly so I’ll keep you posted on where I appear next. I also will have an update soon on my 50 states tour that kicks off in early 2023.
In other news, I have started the process of an entire website redesign with new feature, more information, and regular updates. So if you haven’t already, sign up for my newsletter and keep checking back on my website so you don’t miss a thing. Until next time!
Kay Stands Up to Cancer!
Kay Hall Standing Up to Cancer Today I went live on TikTok to raise money for the stand up to cancer charity. I took thousands of my fans along with me in my airplane to support a great cause! Thank you to everyone that donated to help stamp out this horrible disease!
At the end of the day I raised over $4000.00 for cancer research and other related activities thanks to TikTok supporting this event! In the picture above, you can see I was at 3.3k with about 20 minutes of LIVE left to go. My first live also had done over $200 dollar but the connection was very weak and it ended early. But, I didn’t give up, restarted, and really gave it my all to help out!
If you want to learn more about this charity, or to donate, you can check them out by clicking this link:
Stand up to Cancer Home Page If you want to learn more about me and my airplane, please click on your favorite social media icon and hit that follow button as I have a lot of exciting things coming up in the near future including supporting more great causes! You can also subscribe to my newsletter so you don’t miss a thing! You can find that on my links page here:
Thanks again to everyone that subscribes, thanks to everyone that donated to this great cause, and as always if you want to reach me you can send me an email here: Mail
By the way, don’t forget to check out my new book, “Becoming FlyWithKay,” available on Amazon in Hardcover, paperback, Kindle, and eBook. This talks about my journey from waitress, to pilot, to social media influencer. Have a great day and I’ll talk with you soon!
Kay Hall on BosBabes
Hi all, I was just on the podcast BosBabes with host Brittany Baldi. It was a lot of fun and we chatted about all things in life. This covers aviation, hobbies, my book, etc… If you get a chance to take a listen, please let me know. Thanks! Kay
On another note, my book launch has been going great! I’ve been in the top 50 on the Amazon best sellers list for a few days now. It goes up and down but is holding on the list. Thank you to everyone that has purchased a copy and if you haven’t yet taken a look at it, you can find it here:
Becoming FlyWithKay is Now Available!
Hardcover, Paperback and eBook on
This book follows Kay Hall’s journey from restaurant server, to pilot, to social media influencer. It offers insights on how difficult it is to be successful amongst incredible competition.
Kay Hall – Becoming FlyWithKay Pick up a copy of Becoming FlyWithKay and learn the secret to Kay’s social media success. You’ll find tips for your own social media journey, pilot stories, along with the ups and downs of this brutal industry. From people that want to bring you down and fans that lift you back up, an influencers life is full of surprises and challenges. Pick up a copy today. Thanks!
I’m headed to the Oshkosh Airshow!
Oshkosh 2022 Hi all, I will be at the Oshkosh airshow on Thursday, July 28th. If you are headed to the show make sure you keep an eye out for me. I also will be at the Phoenix East Aviation booth at 1:00pm to meet fans, sign gear, etc… I will have stickers with me and PEA will be handing out swag to a limited number of people. I hope to see you there! And keep watching my Tiktok and Instagram for the official announcement video.
Becoming FlyWithKay – Release Date: 07/31/2022
Becoming FlyWithKay – Available July, 31, 2022 Hardback and Paperback will be available on the Release date of 07/31/2022.
You can pre-order the Ebook here:
Take a look at my in-depth journey on social media and help support the FlyWithKay family in the process. Be one of the first to own a first edition copy of my new book. Make sure to subscribe to my newsletter to keep updated on the release and where I’ll be appearing in support of my new book. Thanks! ~Kay
It’s Hot Hot Hot
Hi all, Kay here checking in. So those of you that have been watching my LIVE broadcasts can see the weather in Houston has gotten very hot. My portable A/C is definitely helping but by around 11:00am, it’s just to hot to continue to fly safe. My LIVEs will still happen most mornings but will finish up before that heat starts to peak. Thanks for understanding.
Also, my flash sale was a great success and many of you picked up some great FlyWithKay gear! Thanks to all of you that did because that really helps support Lil Red and I. I’ve mentioned it before, but one more time I’ll say that it’s very expensive to run an airplane, not to mention trying to entertain out of it. So THANK YOU ALL!
And for each and every one of you out there reading this, thanks for following along with me on my journey!
FlyWithKay Merch Sale is On Now!
~FlyWithKay merchandise sale is officially on! Click on the link to the store and use the promo code, “FlyWithKay,” to get 15% of store wide. Then, when you receive your swag, post it and tag me for a chance to be featured! Thanks for the support!
Time to Prepare for Oshkosh!
I finally am back from Sun N Fun and now it’s time to look forward to the Oshkosh airshow. I had so much fun on this last trip and thought I’d show some pictures. First up, here Pop’s and I are on the Daytona Beach board walk. It was great weather and lots of friendly people!
Down on the Boardwalk1 Jimmy is the lead pilot of the Aeroshell team. We had a blast doing some flying. Thanks so much Jimmy!
Jimmy and the Aeroshell’s Here I am in the cockpit of Jimmy’s airplane:
Getting ready for my flight! And of course what would a trip to an airshow be without being able to climb up in to the cockpit of an A-10?
Up on the Warthog! Lastly, you know when you’re just too tired to make it all the way home? After a long airshow, this is how I felt so I diverted to New Orleans and 20 minutes later I was on Bourbon Street taking in the sights!
Bourbon Street BABY! The next morning I was up early and headed home! Talk with you all soon! ~Kay